My Greatest Symphony Hall Event

My Greatest Symphony Hall Event…….

It was January, 1973, and I was practicing on my Alexander CC tuba in the large tuning room right off the stage in Symphony Hall. It was vacation period so no one else was in the building, save for the man at the stage door. I was all alone, and frustrated, thinking about Jesus, thinking about my life, but not really knowing what to do — where to turn, to relieve my frustrations. I set my tuba down, and, realizing that no one could hear me, and in total honesty, I yelled out, “Jesus! If you are real, will you let me know?!” Instantly, His Presence FILLED that room, and I said, “You are real…….” And He has never left me. I found out that He IS REAL, and that He HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD, and is now ALIVE! Why don’t you try yelling? He is there. He waits. Listen to His words:

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,

I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”

Revelation 3:20  The  Bible

1 thought on “My Greatest Symphony Hall Event

  1. John Michael Luther


    I met you in So. Calif. when the Boston Symphony and Ozawa performed the Mahler 2nd Symphony. It was in the 1990s. At the end of the performance I yelled “bravo tuba” to which you gave the one way sign upward. I knew the you were a believer. We chatted outside the hall and I was electrified. You also told me of your and Doug Yoe’s experiences in China. I am a composer and later wrote a Tuba Concerto written for and performed by Norman Pearson of the L. A. Philharmonic.

    You have been such a tremendous witness and example to me and I thank you for your witness for the Lord Jesus Christ.

    God Bless You

    John Michael Luther


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